Leah Boden author headshot. Leah Boden is an author represented by Punchline Agency. Leah Boden has published the book Moments On Mothering: Reflective Inspiration From One Mother To Another. Leah Boden speaks on topics including Homeschooling, Moth…

Leah Boden

Leah Boden is wife to Dave and mum to Nyah, Joel, Micah and Sienna-Raine. Leah and David pastor a church in their local community in the UK and are passionate about empowering and releasing people to be all God has called them to be. Leah home educates their four children and contributes articles and inspirational pieces to various homeschooling forums and online magazines across the globe. Leah is a passionate, authentic communicator who loves to bring hope and inspiration through creative writing, storytelling and public speaking.

Recently, Leah published Modern Miss Mason: Discover How Charlotte Mason’s Revolutionary Ideas on Home Education Can Change How You and Your Children Learn and Grow Together with Tyndale in January 2023, as well as Moments On Mothering: Reflective Inspiration From One Mother To Another published in 2015.


Book Titles by Leah Boden